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Péter Batáry - Introduction to meta-analysis in conservation biology

Meta-analysis as a statistical tool for quantitatively synthesizing primary researches has gained a great momentum in ecology during this millenium. Ecological questions can be answered by systematic reviewsthat identifies, appraises, selects and synthesizes all high quality relevant research evidences. Systematic reviews often use meta-analysis as statistical technique to combine results of the eligible studies. During the workshop the following statistical methods and problems will be discussed and used with real ecological data: calculation of effect sizes, cumulative effect size and heterogeneity, fixed- and random-effect meta-analysis, biases.

Rhys Green - Planning research on endangered species

The workshop is about the design of endangered species research when a species is declining rapidly, there is little available information and something has to be done quickly.


Stephanie Januchowski-Hartley and Barbara Mihók - Women in Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths (STEM) event at SCCS Hungary

Join the Society for Conservation Biology European Section for an hour of both socializing and a Question and Answer session. The Question and Answer session will be both interactive and personal with a focus on identifying barriers to Women in STEM and on identifying and communicating personal solutions and positive actions to work toward for improving outcomes for women in STEM. The event is open to all conference participants.


David Kleijn - Evaluating the effects of nature conservation action

All over Europe people are putting a lot of time and effort into conservation management. The effects of management actions are rarely evaluated. Scientifically sound evaluations are difficult because many conservation projects are unique or context dependent. Nevertheless, one can always learn from cleverly collecting and analysing data. This workshop discusses approaches and key criteria for optimal evaluation of the effects of conservation management, preferably using examples from the participants themselves.


Piero Visconti - Engaging in professional societies to foster your career in conservation

Studying for a degree in conservation keeps you busy enough, and you might be tempted to spend all your time on that, to finish your degree in time and with outstanding results. In this workshop, I’ll show why you should set aside some of your time to have an active role in a local, national or international professional society, such as SCB Europe or SCB Hungary. I’ll make practical examples of how engagement in professional societies can help you in building a career in conservation. I will draw from the direct experience of some of the most distinguished conservation professionals whose early involvement in a professional society has substantially contributed to their stellar career. This will be an interactive session - I will be providing advice on how to foster your career through professional society engagement, but I will take as many questions as time allows.