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SCCS Europe 2020

Tihany (Lake Balaton), Hungary

25 - 29 August, 2020


We are very happy to announce the 6th SCCS Europe, which will be held in Tihany, between 25 and 29 August 2020.


Dear SCCS 2020 Friends,
As promised, we are back with news on the organisation of SCCS Europe, 2020, Hungary. The regulations make it possible to have meetings, thus we decided
to have the SCCS, and we are keen to proceed with organisation. Please register asap, and get your friends and fellow students to join as well. We need a good number of registrations for the meeting.

The Organisers (June 01 2020)



According to current regulations, either a mask or a kerchief or a scarf covering the mouts and nose has to be worn onboard the public transport vehicles. This also applies to rail, long-distance buses and the shuttle buses arranged by the organisers (to and from Tihany).

We also would like to ask all participants to wear masks during all indoor activities (plenaries, student sessions, workshops, etc), keep physical distance in the lecture room (use every second seat) and use hand sanitiser often.

The organisers minimize pandemic threat with the above regulations, and - in addition - workshops and social events will be moved (if possible) to open air, accomodation is limited to max two persons/room.



Background of the conference

The Student Conference on Conservation Science series started in Cambridge and have expanded with Brisbane, Beijing, Bangalore and New York.

SCCS is the largest international conference in conservation science, where students and early career scientists are welcomed and have the chance to present their research, learn from each other and meet with experts of the field who can offer them guidance in their future careers.

In 2015, Hungary joined this inspiring event and organizes a conference, especially for young scientists from all around Europe to build a network among the presented parts of the continent.


Important dates

15th April: Registration and abstract submission opens.

7th June: Abstract submission deadline - GETTING VISA: if you need a visa to entry Hungary, please indicate this, and the organisers will review your abstract immediately and inform you about the decision. If it is accepted, it will let you enough time to organise the visa. EXTENDED TO 28th of JUNE

15th June: Abstract selection notifications sent out EXTENDED TO 07th of JULY

15th July: Deadline for invited presenters to confirm involvement EXTENDED TO 20th of JULY

15th July: Registration deadline EXTENDED TO 20th of JULY

31st July: Registration fee payment deadline EXTENDED TO 10th of AUGUST