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Péter Batáry - Introduction to meta-analysis in conservation biology

Meta-analysis as a statistical tool for quantitatively synthesizing primary researches has gained a great momentum in ecology during this millenium. Ecological questions can be answered by systematic reviewsthat identifies, appraises, selects and synthesizes all high quality relevant research evidences. Systematic reviews often use meta-analysis as statistical technique to combine results of the eligible studies. During the workshop the following statistical methods and problems will be discussed and used with real ecological data: calculation of effect sizes, cumulative effect size and heterogeneity, fixed- and random-effect meta-analysis, biases.


Lynn Dicks - Designing policy for conservation

In this workshop, you will learn about the structure of agri-environment schemes and the process of designing policy. Working in groups, you will design a new agri-environment scheme, and find out what it’s like to have your scheme interpreted and criticised by stakeholders and lobby groups in public debate. After these three hours, you will have experience of making detailed arguments in favour of and against particular policy structures in conservation, and you may understand more about the process of policy development.


Barbara Mihók and Zselyke Molnos - Where am I going and why? – Nature-assisted coaching session for empowering early-career decisions in the conservation profession

In this workshop we invite you to an interesting journey into your own story as an early-career conservation professional. What is your motivation and what are your inner resources helping you on your way? How can you attach and re-attach to your own vocation throughout your future career in order to stay in track and have a fulflling professional and personal life? Conservation needs conservationsts who are aware of their own needs and feel well in their chosen profession. We provide an outdoor, nature-assisted session for those who are open to deepening their awareness and be reflective on their professional identity. Since we will use applied ecopsychological methods, you will also get an impression of innovative methodological tools available for promoting conservation.


Francisco Moreira - Explore your data (before making fancy models)


Andrew Pullin - Critical appraisal methods for assessing reliability of evidence

In this workshop we will consider the strengths and weakness of both primary studies and evidence reviews as reliable sources of evidence. Participants will critically appraise articles using existing tools for assessing their internal validity and consider what are the most important design elements to minimize susceptibility to bias.