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Awards for the most outstanding presentations

Each year, with the help of Fauna and Flora International and Cambridge University Press, Oryx we are able to award prizes for the most outstanding presentations.

This year the prize for the BEST TALK and the BEST POSTER are book prizes from Cambridge University Press and personalized support from the Oryx team to two prize winners, to help them publish their work.


This year's winners:

Best Talk Awards

  • Ioannis Kalaitzakis: „Assessment of land-based threats to Atlantic seabirds
  • Kata Pásztor: „How weather and body size affect survival, senescence and detectability in a natural butterfly population

Best Poster Awards

  • Bhraaz Kashyap: „Comparative study of habitats & sutainability of natural & reintroduced populations of greater one-horned rhinoceros
  • Johanna Maribel Soria Aguirre: „Herptérkép citizen science project - survey about the experience of the participants
  • Mariann Komlós: „Bark-foraging birds' feeding sings before and after structural enrichment actions in oak-dominated Natura 2000 forests


Fauna & Flora InternationalCambridge University PressOryx