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SCCS Europe 2018

Tihany (Lake Balaton), Hungary

4 - 8 September, 2018



Dear Guests and Participants,

the SCCS - Europe 2018 is over, we had a fantastic four days  meeting. We are happy to report on our winners:


Best talk (sponsored by Fauna & Flora  International):  Bernadett Zsinka - Survival estimation of breeding eastern imperial eagles in Hungary based on genotypes determined from naturally shed and chick feathers

Best poster (sponsored by Fauna & Flora  International): Andreas Wiedenmann - Farmland bird activity and arthropod biomass and diversity in three differently managed types of flower strips – a study in the district of Göttingen, Lower Saxony; Germany

Community Ecology Award (sponsored by Community Ecology): Edvárd Mizsei - Protected areas mismatch spatial conservation priorities of amphibians and reptiles in the Balkan Peninsula – the Balkan Herps project

We thank the jury for their work!


We hope that you had a good time in Hungary and will visit us again in the future.

the Organisers




We are very happy to announce the 4th SCCS Hungary, now SCCS Europe which will be held in Tihany, between 4-8 September 2018.


Background of the conference

The Student Conference on Conservation Science series started in Cambridge and have expanded with Brisbane, Beijing, Bangalore and New York.

SCCS  is the largest international conference in conservation science, where students and early career scientists are welcomed and have the chance to present their research, learn from each other and meet with experts of the field who can offer them guidance in their future careers.

In 2015, Hungary joined this inspiring event and organizes a conference, especially for young scientists from all around Europe to build a network among the presented parts of the continent.


Important dates 



7th May:     Registration and abstract submission opens.         


6th June:      Abstract submission deadline


20th June:     Abstract selection notifications sent out


15th July:       Deadline for invited presenters to confirm involvement


15th July:       Registration deadline


31st July:       Registration fee payment deadline





MTA Centre for Ecological Research

Balaton Uplands National Park

Balaton Uplands National Park on youtube

Tihany peninsula

SCCS Hungary 2015

SCCS Hungary 2016

SCCS Hungary 2017

SCCS in Cambridge