Student Conference on Conservation Science

Awards for the most outstanding presentations

Each year, with the help of sponsors, we are able to award prizes for the most outstanding presentations.


This year, the prizes for the BEST TALK and the BEST POSTER will be free publication opportunities in Nature conservation journal from Pensoft and book prizes from Zsolt Molnár (HUN-REN Centre for Ecological Research).



This year's winners:

Best Talk Awards

  • Ahlam Sentil: „The critical role of maintaining the native wild vegetation for pollinator conservation despite the use of habitat plants”
  • Réka Szilágyi: „Social-ecological integration of corncrake (Crex crex) conservation in a Transylvanian cultural landscape”
  • Gergő Rák: „Plant community driven habitat choice of a grassland specialist: the Hungarian meadow viper prefers community transitions”

Best Poster Awards

  • Ágnes Tóth: „The vertical distribution of the soil seed bank in wet meadows and implications for restoration”
  • Abdubakir Kushbokov: „Soil seed bank assessments along degradation gradients in the Kyzylkum desert”
