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Prize winners 2016

This year our conference was supported with valuable prizes for outstanding students offered by Fauna & Flora International (best talk and best poster) and the journal Community Ecology (Community Ecology Prize).


This year the jury had a hard time to decide the winners of the best talk and the best poster. Therefore, in the latter case the jury chose two students and would like to split the prize between them. The jury consisted of Professors Rhys Green and David Kleijn, and Dr Péter Batáry, Dr Stephanie Januchowski-Hartley, Dr Fraser Januchowski-Hartley, Dr Zsolt Molnár and Dr Piero Visconti.

The winner of the best talk award is Pauline Pierret, the title of her talk was "Gardens with food supply and surrounded by intensive agricultural landscape could act like havens for birds in winter.".

The two winners of the best poster are Elena Șușter with the poster "Salinity tolerance of green frog (Pelophylax kl. esculentus) during early developmental stages." and Marine Leve with the poster "From one engagement to another: motivations behind pro-biodiversity behaviours."


The Community Ecology Prize of the conference went to Shalini Rajakaruna for her talk Where have all the Villus gone?- Story of wetlands in Sri Lanka and livelihoods of villagers; case study in Mahaweli floodplains, Sri Lanka.

