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Awards for the most outstanding presenatations

Each year, with the help of Fauna and Flora International, Cambridge University Press, Oryx and Community Ecology we are able to award prizes for the most outstanding presentations.

This year the prize for the BEST TALK and the BEST POSTER is a Fauna and Flora International/Oryx subscription and book vouchers (Cambridge University Press books).

For the most exciting talk in the field of COMMUNITY ECOLOGY, the journal Community Ecology offers an invitation for submitting the presented paper (+ a subscription for the journal for one year).

This year the jury consisted of Dr. Julie Teresa Shapiro (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research), Univ.Prof. Thomas Hein (BOKU Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management), Dr. hab. Hajnalka Szentgyörgyi (Jagiellonian University, Kraków) and Dr. Andrew Hamer (Centre for Ecological Research) (left to right).


Awards SCCS 2020_jury and awardees


Winners (left to right):

Special award: Erika Nascimben Santos - TiO2 and BiVO4 nanomaterials and nanocomposites applied for advanced photocatalytic membranes to treat oil-in-water emulsions

Community Ecology: Katalin Patonai - Using food web topology indices and traits to describe aquatic ecosystems

Best talk: Edina Csákvári - The connection between environmental predictors and regeneration capacity of sandy habitats in Hungary

Best poster: Dávid Korányi - Effect of urbanization on biological control of herbivorous insects


Congratulations to all winners!

the Organisers