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Keynote speakers 2019

Dr Irina Herzon


 Dr Irina Herzon based in the Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Helsinki holds a degree in Biology and a PhD in   Agroecology. Her expertise includes socio-ecological research with an emphasis on agri-environmental policy in Finland and the   EU context. One of her research skills is in bridging ecological understanding and land managers’ attitudes for fostering   biodiversity-friendly land use practices. Irina had published several review papers on aspect of sustainable agricultural land-use,   also regarding “East-West” European debate and High Nature Value farming. She was involved in several policy reviews for   European Commission. Irina has served a responsible person and principle investigator for other international and national   projects that included collection of ecological data, stakeholder interviews and production of advisory materials. Outside research, Irina has worked as an advisor to BirdLife International’s Agricultural Task Force and served as a member on multiple ministerial working groups developing the national agri-environmental policy. As a university lecturer, Irina has been teaching many university courses on various aspects of agroecology, sustainable agriculture and conservation on farmland.




Prof. Bengt Gunnar Jonsson

 Bengt Gunnar Jonsson is a professor of Plant Ecology, at the Mid Sweden University.  His research focuses on forest history and   dynamics and its role in maintaining forest biodiversity. He is president of the Society for Conservation Biology - Europe Section,   member of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Research Board, and was a lead author of the IPBES   regional assessment of Europa and Central Asia. He published 116 scientific publications and 30 popular sciences publications. In   total 3665 citations and H-index 37 (Web of Science January 2019).




Dr. Eszter Kelemen

 I have an MSc in Economics and a PhD in Environmental Sciences. My main research interest is the deliberative and socio-   cultural valuation of ecosystem services and nature in general, which allows me to develop a critical standpoint on how and by   whom value is defined, and how shifts in value systems can be achieved. Most of my research has a strong empirical element,   using various tools to engage diverse knowledge holders in research. I especially like experimenting with visual, arts-based and   action research methodologies. Since the last year I work together on such methodological innovations with university students in   the frame of an Ecological Economics research seminar at the Eötvös Lorant University, Budapest. To earn a global perspective I   have been engaging with IPBES in the last four years, first as part of the valuation expert group, then as a lead author of the global assessment, and currently as lead author of the values assessment. 

Affiliation: ESSRG Ltd., Budapest, Hungary & Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary



Dr. Juliet Vickery

 Juliet Vickery is Head of International Research, Centre of Conservation Science, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds   (RSPB) and an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge. She manages a team of scientists undertaking   research in collaboration with partner organisations throughout the   world. This research underpins conservation solutions
for biological diversity at the species, site and habitat level. Her key   personal interests are the causes of declines of and   potential conservation action required for Afro-Palearctic migrant land   birds, the problems relating to the impact of   agriculture on biodiversity in temperate and tropical systems and the impact of   invasive non-native species on the   ecosystems of UK Overseas Territories.