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Detailed program

etailed program

SCCS Hungary





29th August (Tuesday)


The venue of the conference is the MTA Balaton Limnological Institute, Tihany . (3 Klebelsberg Kuno str. Tihany, H-8237). A bus transfer from Budapest to Tihany is offered to the conference participants. Prior to the bus transfer students are welcome to join an optional visit to the Budapest Zoo from 13:00-17:00 as a free warming up event of the conference. It is possible to start your visit earlier as the zoo is opens at 9AM. Please let us know if you would like to take this opportunity until 24th August (Thursday) the latest. 


12: 45 – Meeting at the main entrance of the Budapest Zoo.

The Budapest Zoo and Botanical garden is located in Budapest's XIV. district at the edge of Városliget (City Park) on Állatkerti körút (Zoo Boulevard) 6-12. By public transport the fastest way to get to the zoo would be with the millennium underground (M1, yellow metro line), from Deák Ferenc tér. Other possibilities via trolley busses 72, 75, 79, or by buses 4, 20, or 30. All luggage can be left at the souvenir shop of the zoo for the time of the visit.


Airport transfer to Budapest City Center:

The city can be reached by public transport, there is a new direct bus service from the inner city to the airport (service 100E). It takes you from Liszt Ferenc Airport 2 to Deák Ferenc tér, which is quite close to the Zoo and Heroes' Square. Tickets can be bought from ticket vending machines at the stop at the airport for 900 HUF. For more detailed traveling information please visit the SCCS home-page.


13:00 – 17:00 Pre-conference visit to the Budapest Zoo

The Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden is one of the oldest zoological gardens in the world: it was opened to the general public on 9 August 1866, and is one of the most visited places in the country. With more than 700 animal species and 2000 different types of plants, one of the world's oldest zoos offers perfect relaxing fun for individuals or the entire family.

The professional staff of the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden invites the SCCS participants for a guided tour in the Budapest Zoo and provides lectures about the activities of the zoo in conservation biological programmes.

The contact person for the meeting and visit is Dr Katalin Mázsa, she can be reached on this number: +36-30-244-7399.


17:00 – Transfer to Tihany by bus

Meeting for the transfer to Tihany is at Felvonulási tér Budapest 1146 (Coordinates: 47.51339°N 19.07902°E ) walking distance from Budapest Zoo.


Transfer meeting point


19:00 – Arrival to Tihany

20:30 – Evening get-together with dinner in Tihany

 To make this event more international we would like to ask you to bring your local food and/or drink for the get together evening to increase the diversity of choices :-).



30th August (Wednesday)

07:30 – 08:30 Breakfast

8:30 – 9:00 Welcome / Introduction – András Báldi

09:00 – 09:45 Plenary: Péter Szabó - Historical ecology: connecting the natural sciences and the humanities to understand ecosystem change

09:45 – 10:45 Student talks: Session 1: The diversity of ecology (10 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion)

  • Semple, Lara: Genetic viability of a reintroduced population of south-western Brush-tail Possum (Trichosurus vulpecula hypoleucus), Western Australia
  • Prithwiraj, Jha: Animal diversity and conservation issues in the Rasik Beel Wetland Complex (West Bengal, India
  • Boros, Gergely: The effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza and earthworms on plant growth, phytochemical production and pollination of marjoram (Origanum majorana L.)
  • Czikkelyné Ágh, Nóra: Exceptionally protandry in autumn migration of three closely related Acrocephalus species. Poster presentation (3+2 min)
  • Laux, Amelie M.: Combining video monitoring and GPS tracking reveals new insights into red kite feeding ecology. Poster presentation (3+2 min)
  • Tugyi, Nóra: Bacterioplankton Production in a Shallow Central European Great Lake (Lake Fertő Hungary). Poster presentation (3+2 min)

10:45 – 11:10 Coffee 

11:10 – 12:10 Student talks Session 2 – Spatial ecology (10 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion)

  • Hartmann, Johanna: Predicting breeding localities of Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis in near-natural forests
  • Zeng, Juping: Distributions of two rare sister butterflies of Teinopalpus and their spatial environment niches
  • Popov, Snezana: Landscape impacts on two phytophagus genera of hoverflies
  • Endrédi, Anett: Structure and dynamics of aquatic food webs: a large-scale comparative study

12:10 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 16:00 Workshop: Péter Batáry - Introduction to meta-analysis in conservation biology

16:00 – 16:30 Tea, snack

16:30 – 18:00 Workshop: Péter Szabó - Historical sources for ecologists

18:00 – 19:00 Break

19:00 – 20:00 Dinner

20:00 – Diversity of local foods and drinks


31st August (Thursday)

07:30 – 08:30 Breakfast

09:00 – 09:45 Plenary: Teja Tscharntke - Landscape moderation of biodiversity patterns, pollination and biological control

09:45 – 10:40 Student talks: Session 3: Pollinator and pollination ecology (10 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion)

  • Eeraerts, Maxime: Semi-natural elements support diverse pollinator communities in sweet cherry orchards in moderately intensified landscapes
  • Proesmans, Willem: Importance of small forest fragments in agricultural landscapes for two pollinator guilds
  • Timberlake, Thomas: Mind the Gap: The importance of flowering phenology in pollinator restoration
  • Oñate Casado, Javier: Meta-analysis of exclusion experiments of day-night pollinators. Do plants respond to their expected pollination syndrome? Poster presentation (3+2 min)
  • Szigeti, Viktor: Individual specialization in flower visitation in the Clouded Apollo butterfly (Parnassius mnemosyne). Poster presentation (3+2 min)

10:40 – 11:10 Coffee break

11:10 – 12:00 Student talks: Session 4: Chemical ecology (10 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion)

  • Mészáros, Boglárka: Environmental stress on physiological state and sexual signals of male European green lizards
  • Mikó, Zsanett: The presence of a glyphosate-based herbicide can enhance survival of agile frog (Rana dalmatina) tadpoles when facing lethal predators
  • Ujszegi, János: Developing suitable methods for chemical disinfection of amphibian embryos
  • Darányi, Nikoletta: Using historical maps in order to detect habitat change on the Great Plain (Hungary), between the 19th and 21th century. Poster presentation (3+2 min)

12:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 14:45 Plenary: Andrew Balmford - Reasons to be cheerful (or why #EarthOptimism is so important)

14:45 – 16:15 Workshop: Teja Tscharntke - Finding the pitch in ecological writing

16:15 – 16:45 Coffee break

16:45 – 18:15 Workshop: Andrew Balmford - Finding stories of hope

18:15 – 18:45 Break

18:45 – 19:45 Workshop: Péter Szabó - How I won an ERC grant?

20:00 – 21:00: Dinner

21:00 – Music and dance


1st September (Friday)

07:30 – 08:30 Breakfast

09:00 – 09:45 Plenary: György Pataki - Diverse values and multiple ways of valuation as different approaches to constructing human-nature relationships

9:45-11:45 Workshop: György Pataki and Eszter Kelemen - How to take diverse values of nature into account in research?

11:45-12:15: Coffee break

12:15-13:20: Student talks Session 1 – Habitat restoration and conservation (10 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion)

  • González Sevilleja, Cristina: Assessment of habitat restoration for preserving Phengaris (Maculinea) teleius butterfly
  • Kövendi-Jakó, Anna: The combination of seed introduction methods is a promising tool to restore dry grassland in Hungary
  • Pasion, Bonifacio: Impacts of fragmentation and reforestation on the biodiversity of active limestone quarries in the Philippines
  • Bram, Sercu: Re-evaluating forest dependency of local people after 15 years of conservation efforts around Nyungwe national park
  • Arias Font, Raquel: Understanding carbon dynamics after peatland restoration. Poster presentation (3+2 min)

13:20 – 14:00 Prizes, closing remarks

14:00 – 15:00 Lunch

15:00 – 19:00 Field trip – Guided Tour in Tihany.

A 3-4 hour walk field trip to Tihany visiting the surrounding area of the venue as it offers many impressive touristic sights. We plan to visit the Lavender House, the visitor centre of the Balaton Uplands National Park, the Inner Lake with a restoration of Hungarian grey cattle and European ground squirrel populations and the Golden House geyser cone. The fee of the excursion is included in the conference registration. Recommended clothing: comfortable urban clothes and shoes for walking, rainy weather may occur.

Lavender House &Ground squirrel reality show webcam

20:00 – Dinner


2nd September (Saturday)

06:30 – 07:30 Breakfast and lunch boxes for the trip participants

07:30 –13:00 Optional field trip to the Kis-Balaton on the area of the Balaton Uplands National Park

The field trip starts after breakfast at 7:30 and ends around 13:00/14:00. After the end of the excursion the shuttle bus goes directly to Budapest. The impressive area of the Kis-Balaton is part of the Balaton Uplands National Park, where a wetland reconstruction was conducted and led to a rich avifauna. It is a 14 745 hectares Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA), with the following bird species: Ixobrychus minutus; Nycticorax nycticorax; Ardeola ralloides; Egretta alba; Ardea purpurea; Platalea leucorodia; Anser fabalis; Anser albifrons; Anser anser etc.; See more:
Depending on the time and the weather, the program also includes a visit to the Buffalo Reserve, Kápolnapuszta.

Recommended clothing: comfortable urban clothes and shoes for walking, rainy weather may occur.

See more:

 16:00 – Expected arrival time to Budapest by shuttle bus.